
Stylista challenge

Loving lying enemy
I have seen your face before
Never thought again I’d see
Didn’t want to anymore

I remember your loving eyes
And the moonlit kiss
The evening lullabies I will truly miss
Through the years we had it all
Midnight whispers, the midday calls
This house of cards, it had to fall

And you ask for forgiveness
You’re asking too much
I have sheltered my heart in a place you can’t touch
Don’t believe when you tell me your love is real
Because you don’t know much about heaven boy
If you have to hurt to feel

Every time I see you
I can’t help but look away
All along I had believed everything you’d say
When I look now I know I’ve seen your face before
Don’t want your deceiving smile
Standing at my door
And I don’t care what people say
I’m ready now to face this day


Yesterday was my first day of classes and I also had an interview for a new job, so I have been smokin' busy!  
Just a quick post, I will be doing much more for you guys soon!

A couple weeks ago, I entered a contest at a local mall where you dress up a Mannequin based on pre-selected items of clothing available on racks.
Oakville Place is definitely not the best mall (or the biggest) and the selection I had was limited but I went with a sparrow-patterned blouse, leather skirt and a yellow cardigan.

Please vote for me in the styling contest!  I could win 1000$ to spend on clothes which would be amazing because school is so expensive.

Here is the picture and link to vote!


You can vote every day :) Thanks so much!

The shoes you see in this picture I had actually just bought!  I asked if I could use them for the challenge and since I bought them at Oakville Place, I was allowed.
They reminded me of the YSL pair I saw at Holt Renfrew with a steep pricetag, but this Jessica Simpson version of the same shoes stole my heart and was much more affordable.
They are leather and here are some pictures up close!

Cat in a box!

Just leaving you guys with some LOVE, this picture was shot with my new tripod!  I am still learning :) 



  1. love your heels :) and the cat :D

  2. Cute cat!! ^^ Love the shoes! Imma new follower :) Check out my blog: x3lovenectarx3.blogspot.com


follow & comment please, thanks loves!